No changes to be made to server code. It is the client that acts asynchronous.
I used a standalone WS client to test it.
Output logs:
I used a standalone WS client to test it.
System.out.println("Client calling WS");
CalculatorSOAPProxy proxy = new CalculatorSOAPProxy();
CalcRequestType in = new CalcRequestType();
* Using a polling model
Response response = proxy.calculateAsync(in);
System.out.println("Checking result");
while (!response.isDone()) {
// You can do some work that does not depend on the webservice
System.out.println("isDone? " + response.isDone());
CalculateResponse result = response.get();
Client calling WS
Checking result
isDone? false
isDone? false
isDone? false
isDone? false
isDone? false
isDone? false
isDone? false
isDone? false
isDone? false
Checking result
isDone? false
isDone? false
isDone? false
isDone? false
isDone? false
isDone? false
isDone? false
isDone? false
isDone? false
System.out.println("Client calling WS"); CalculatorSOAPProxy proxy = new CalculatorSOAPProxy(); proxy._getDescriptor().setEndpoint( "http://localhost:9089/WS2Server/Calculator"); CalcRequestType in = new CalcRequestType(); in.setOperand1(5); in.setOperand2(10); in.setOperation(OperationType.ADD); /** * Using the callback model */ ResponseCallBackHandler handler = new ResponseCallBackHandler(); Future response = proxy.calculateAsync(in, handler); while(!response.isDone()){ System.out.println("isDone? "+response.isDone()); Thread.sleep(1000); } System.out.println(handler.getCalResult());
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import com.server.calculator.CalculateResponse;
public class ResponseCallBackHandler implements
AsyncHandler {
private String calResult;
public void handleResponse(Response res) {
System.out.println("Handler invoked");
try {
CalculateResponse response = res.get();
calResult = response.getOut();
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
public void setCalResult(String calResult) {
this.calResult = calResult;
public String getCalResult() {
return calResult;
Output logs:
Client calling WS
isDone? false
isDone? false
isDone? false
isDone? false
isDone? false
isDone? false
isDone? false
isDone? false
isDone? false
Handler invoked
isDone? false
isDone? false
isDone? false
isDone? false
isDone? false
isDone? false
isDone? false
isDone? false
isDone? false
Handler invoked
public class TestServlet extends HttpServlet {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public TestServlet() {
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
System.out.println("Client calling WS");
CalculatorSOAPProxy proxy = new CalculatorSOAPProxy();
BindingProvider bp = (BindingProvider) proxy._getDescriptor()
"", Boolean.TRUE);
CalcRequestType in = new CalcRequestType();
ResponseCallBackHandler handler = new ResponseCallBackHandler();
Future wsResponse = proxy.calculateAsync(in, handler);
while (!wsResponse.isDone()) {
System.out.println("isDone? " + wsResponse.isDone());
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
[6/1/14 18:37:20:082 IST] 00000025 SystemOut O Client calling WS
[6/1/14 18:37:20:605 IST] 00000025 SystemOut O isDone? false
[6/1/14 18:37:20:644 IST] 00000070 WSChannelFram A CHFW0019I: The Transport Channel Service has started chain HttpOutboundChain:localhost:9089.
[6/1/14 18:37:20:729 IST] 00000024 SystemOut O 5
[6/1/14 18:37:20:730 IST] 00000024 SystemOut O 10
[6/1/14 18:37:20:730 IST] 00000024 SystemOut O ADD
[6/1/14 18:37:21:605 IST] 00000025 SystemOut O isDone? false
[6/1/14 18:37:22:605 IST] 00000025 SystemOut O isDone? false
[6/1/14 18:37:23:605 IST] 00000025 SystemOut O isDone? false
[6/1/14 18:37:24:605 IST] 00000025 SystemOut O isDone? false
[6/1/14 18:37:25:605 IST] 00000025 SystemOut O isDone? false
[6/1/14 18:37:26:605 IST] 00000025 SystemOut O isDone? false
[6/1/14 18:37:27:605 IST] 00000025 SystemOut O isDone? false
[6/1/14 18:37:28:605 IST] 00000025 SystemOut O isDone? false
[6/1/14 18:37:28:762 IST] 00000071 SystemOut O Handler invoked
[6/1/14 18:37:29:605 IST] 00000025 SystemOut O 15
[6/1/14 18:37:20:605 IST] 00000025 SystemOut O isDone? false
[6/1/14 18:37:20:644 IST] 00000070 WSChannelFram A CHFW0019I: The Transport Channel Service has started chain HttpOutboundChain:localhost:9089.
[6/1/14 18:37:20:729 IST] 00000024 SystemOut O 5
[6/1/14 18:37:20:730 IST] 00000024 SystemOut O 10
[6/1/14 18:37:20:730 IST] 00000024 SystemOut O ADD
[6/1/14 18:37:21:605 IST] 00000025 SystemOut O isDone? false
[6/1/14 18:37:22:605 IST] 00000025 SystemOut O isDone? false
[6/1/14 18:37:23:605 IST] 00000025 SystemOut O isDone? false
[6/1/14 18:37:24:605 IST] 00000025 SystemOut O isDone? false
[6/1/14 18:37:25:605 IST] 00000025 SystemOut O isDone? false
[6/1/14 18:37:26:605 IST] 00000025 SystemOut O isDone? false
[6/1/14 18:37:27:605 IST] 00000025 SystemOut O isDone? false
[6/1/14 18:37:28:605 IST] 00000025 SystemOut O isDone? false
[6/1/14 18:37:28:762 IST] 00000071 SystemOut O Handler invoked
[6/1/14 18:37:29:605 IST] 00000025 SystemOut O 15
very nice and helpfull article.The translation service is really very helpful to me.
ReplyDeleteaccess Mp3skull in UK